What If You Could Take Control Of Your Destiny and Transform Your Life Even After A Major Setback or Failure?
Discover How To Turn Your Challenges Into Powerful Inner Wealth That Will Reprogram You For Success, Change Your Destiny, Inspire You To Think Bigger and Live Your Soul's Purpose
Let Dr. Shelah Harris Show You How To Break Free From Limiting Mindset, Tap Into Your Soul Purpose, Let Go Of Anger, Resentment, Unforgiveness That Block You From Becoming The Best Version Of Yourself & Start Living A Happier & Successful Life You Were Meant To Live.

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Watch The Preview Of An Inner Healing Class
1. Why you can’t manifest the things you really want.
2. The reasons we are challenged through our relationships and powerful tools to heal from anger, resentment and setback.
3. The Stages of Spiritual Development
4. The power of love and gratitude in your quest for success, joy and happiness.
5. How to overcome your biggest challenges and pains.
6. Spiritual personal mastery to reprogram for success and growth
About Shelah Harris
Dr. Shelah Harris is the founder of the Sara Ahavah Spiritual Institute. Also known as Sara Ahavah (pen name) is a spiritual educator, coach and author of self-help books to raise human consciousness for self-improvement, spiritual development and good connections.
Born in the United Kingdom by her Sierra Leonean parents, she returned to Freetown West Africa at the age of 2.5 years where she grew up until the age of 21 before migrating to the UK to study professional accountancy.
Her career started as a Chartered Certified Accountant in 1992 but did not stop there. In 2008, whilst a business consultant/accountant she published her first book ‘My Business Is My Business’ under her married name Sheila Elliott, which help many small businesses developed their business skills particularly the minority business communities and women-owned businesses.
Her keen interest in spiritual development matters got her involved in church affairs until 2009 when she determined she wanted to understand sacred teachings’ more profound meaning. Faced with relationship problems inherited from her childhood, she began to question her understanding of the meaning of life.
Her period of dark nights pushed her deeper into the world of spirituality to find answers to the predicaments of the human race. The knowledge and skills she gained helped her recovered from the emotional and mental distresses. As she began healing internally through the power of spiritual practices, she learn the powerful connection between the spirit, mind, body and emotion. Over ten thousand people have read here messages on social media or watch videos of her teachings on Facebook.