The Recipe For Peace

The Recipe For Peace

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Peace is what we all seek aside happiness, yet very few can truly say their life is peaceful.

SAY YES TO PEACE and read on. The quickest way a person can start building peace within is to STOP JUDGING others UNFAVORABLY.

Judging others unfavorably automatically create FEAR within us and FEAR is the opposite of LOVE. Where there is LOVE there is nothing to FEAR.

Nature is designed in such a way that a person who practices LOVE and stops JUDGING others unfavorably will always be FEARLESS. With NO FEAR a person regains peace of mind that surpasses all human understanding.

What we judge unfavorably will always create FEAR in our mind because JUDGING is an indication of DISCONNECTION from another. As far as God is concerned we are ONE and so when we JUDGE UNFAVORABLY we create a SPLIT PERSONALITY that is unnatural.


  1. Good Judgement of God’s Creation = Peace+ Love+ Happiness + Good Health
  2. Bad Judgment Of Gods Creation = Fear + Disunity + anxiety + Disease.

We seldom see the link between our health and our emotions. However, I am here to share with you that there is a direct link between our health and our emotions. Discord and fear lead to stress, which damages our immune system and causes diseases. Happy people are seldom sick.

Resist the temptation of judging others badly. This includes me. We cannot bend nature’s law. God is LOVE and any practice outside the law of LOVE exposes us to unfavorable circumstances. Until you and I stop Judging, FEAR will be our companion and PEACE will be our enemy- the CONUNDRUM of LIFE.

Author: Sara Ahavah