Pre Order – A Conversation With The Sages – Spiritual Healing For Beginners


Category: Product ID: 1597



Love is the highest vibration that anyone can utilize to free themselves from emotional stuckness, of any type, and begin the process of mastering a happy and joyous life.   Inner healing is a radical reengineering of one’s spiritual disposition and attitude.  Love is the goal and with that  a conscious decision to rise above the resistance of love is  critical.

Without love, a person’s life in this world will be meaningless and empty and it is unfortunate this is not covered in our academic curriculum in schools, colleges, and universities.  The fundamental teaching in this book is  you and I must take the driving seat of our lives, align to the divine principles that govern the universe and rise up in consciousness.   To this extent,  it is not a book that  teaches reliance on  crystals or any other  material object for  healing. Of course, there are many modes of healing, all have their place, but be aware that  all the tools in this book are  spiritual in nature involving conscious decisions to work against the ego vibes and directions.

Fundamentally, all societal problems arise from the absence of love. This book shares real life stories and tools with  proven track records.




Author: Sara Ahavah


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