Our ego is so cunning; it will present itself as the most important, often zapping us into the web of selfish desires. Every physical forms in our world – food, sex, honour, respect, money, beauty, knowledge and more have an incredible power to trap us into the world of form and separate us from our spiritual destiny. The mind we were born with and developed into adulthood is tied up with all our material desires. It is no wonder its focus is selfish and devoid of spirituality.
I so remembered myself sunk into the mysterious world of defending the ego today. It was surreal. The ego was threatened. The identity of importance was threatened. The identity of security was important. Thanks to Nature for the wake-up call. My special ritual saved me.
After nothing shifted, I remembered a series of powerful mantras and affirmations – ‘Be Still And Know That I Am God’. I began reciting it. Then as I sat down, the thought arrived- everything is fine. All things are working together for good. Be still. Your security is in the hands of Nature. Another thought arrived- nothing shall by any means hurt you.
I suddenly remembered the importance of praying for your enemies and friends. Finally, I picked up my gratitude journal. I prayed, and then it hit me on the face. All you are fighting for is useless. Those who want to follow the path that leads to spiritual growth will need to relinquish the mind that created their past experiences. This, too, shall pass.
Take Control Of The Ego Using Prayers & Powerful Affirmations
We are all at risk of the ego’s powerful grip on us. Without the right environment, prayers and support, we can never escape from this governance of selfishness. Whenever we find ourselves in anger and vexatious circumstances, it is a sure sign that the ego is at work. It has revealed its head to show us what we value the most. It also shows us our perceived sense of security.
Calm down, take a deep breath and engage when the wake-up call arrives.